Table of Default F MinMax Values

Below is the default table used to define the minimum and maximum values for the pigment-to-chlorophyll-a ratios of each pigment-taxa pair. These values are used to constrain the gradient decent algorithm.

##                Class Pig_Abbrev    min    max
## 1                Syn        Zea 0.0800 1.2123
## 2       Chlorophytes       Neox 0.0091 0.1085
## 3       Chlorophytes       Viol 0.0150 0.5875
## 4       Chlorophytes        Lut 0.1071 0.2295
## 5       Chlorophytes        Zea 0.0063 0.0722
## 6       Chlorophytes      Chl_b 0.1666 0.9254
## 7      Prasinophytes       Neox 0.0268 0.1026
## 8      Prasinophytes        Pra 0.0642 0.4369
## 9      Prasinophytes       Viol 0.0087 0.0996
## 10     Prasinophytes        Lut 0.0250 0.0669
## 11     Prasinophytes        Zea 0.0151 0.1396
## 12     Prasinophytes      Chl_b 0.4993 0.9072
## 13      Cryptophytes       Allo 0.2118 0.5479
## 14         Diatoms-1     Chl_c1 0.0021 0.0452
## 15         Diatoms-1       Fuco 0.3315 0.9332
## 16         Diatoms-2     Chl_c3 0.0189 0.1840
## 17         Diatoms-2       Fuco 0.3315 0.9332
## 18      Pelagophytes     Chl_c3 0.1471 0.2967
## 19      Pelagophytes     X19but 0.2457 1.4339
## 20      Pelagophytes       Fuco 0.3092 1.2366
## 21 Dinoflagellates-1        Per 0.3421 0.8650
## 22       Haptophytes     Chl_c3 0.0500 0.3500
## 23       Haptophytes     X19but 0.0819 0.2872
## 24       Haptophytes ChlcMGDG18 0.0090 0.3000
## 25       Haptophytes ChlcMGDG14 0.0090 0.3000
## 26       Haptophytes     X19hex 0.2107 1.3766
## 27               Pro        Zea 0.0800 1.2123
## 28       Haptophytes       Fuco 0.0090 0.4689
## 29       Haptophytes      Tchla 1.0000 1.0000
## 30         Diatoms-2      Tchla 1.0000 1.0000
## 31         Diatoms-1      Tchla 1.0000 1.0000
## 32      Cryptophytes      Tchla 1.0000 1.0000
## 33     Prasinophytes      Tchla 1.0000 1.0000
## 34      Chlorophytes      Tchla 1.0000 1.0000
## 35               Syn      Tchla 1.0000 1.0000
## 36 Dinoflagellates-1      Tchla 1.0000 1.0000
## 37 Dinoflagellates-2      Tchla 1.0000 1.0000
## 38      Pelagophytes      Tchla 1.0000 1.0000
## 39               Pro     Dvchla 1.0000 1.0000

These values are derived from the following paper among other sources:

Mackey, M. D., Mackey, D. J., Higgins, H. W., & Wright, S. W. (1996). CHEMTAX—a program for estimating class abundances from chemical markers: application to HPLC measurements of phytoplankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 144(1/3), 265–283.